Because talent optimization matters
Workplace Asia
We believe every organisation is unique, and recommend a data driven assessment approach towards driving and influencing human resource management at the workplace.
How can we help you?
Learn to use and administer world-class assessment tools for individuals and organisations
Provide standardised insights to how individuals behave in a work context for better prediction of job performance and company fit
Leadership Development
Enhance the competency and effectiveness of leaders or people managers through personal and professional growth
Check out our blog for insights on how to create a better workplace by enhancing employee personality, team effectiveness and leadership styles.
WorkPlace Big Five Profile™ Certification Program Since 2012
Our Clients

The Workplace Big Five not only helped individuals within my organisation identify their strengths and weaknesses, but it also gave them valuable insights into how they can work on weaknesses and leverage on strengths to become more effective team members. The Workplace Big Five has been part of my organisation’s roadmap for leadership development over some years and the use of the Workplace Big Five tool has helped shape a culture of continuous learning and improvement.
- A public service agency
WPB5 is a versatile tool. I have been using it in career counselling, career development, succession planning, leadership development and team building. Participants resonated easily with WPB5 as they are often amazed by its accuracy in predicting their personalities.
Lee Tee Ling, RMC
The Workplace Big 5 assessment tool has been a key feature of many of our leadership programs and executive coaching sessions. We find it to be a valuable tool to support leaders by understanding their personality traits and how to manage their trait energy in order to lead more effectively.
Sanjay Mehta
Clear agenda and outcome shared. Facilitator took the participants through an engaging workshop to cover stated content and hands-on practice to achieve outcome.
Liza Chang
Weixi did an excellent job in explaining the Five-Factor Model of Personality; the case studies and discussions on super-traits and sub-traits have made me more confident in applying the Big Five. An engaging and very knowledgeable trainer, Weixi made the 2-days of learning very interesting! Time passed very quickly.
Regina Lim
I think this tool & workshop is really good & useful. Kudos to both trainers for covering such heavy curriculum in 2 days.
Thomas Tang
It's an eye-opener. I like how easy it is to interpret the personality report. I gain better clarity to map my traits to potential roles in future. I can also understand how to optimize my talent for better results. The Workplace Big 5 tool is a "must-have" for organizations due to the robustness and strong validity. Particularly, the competency reports are helpful for organizations to place the right people into the right jobs. This will drive greater employee performance!
Ken Tan, Career Coach
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