
4 Ways to Create a Safe Workplace Where Employees Can Thrive

How can a company create a safe workplace where their employees can thrive? Many leaders must think of psychological safety when this first comes to mind. However, creating a safe environment and positive work environment using psychological safety only is not enough. Psychological safety includes many things, but it is important to make team members …

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Career Development

Career Development Essentials: Constructing a Strong Foundation

Career development is the process of managing oneself’s professional journey to achieve greater things such as personal and organizational goals. It involves a series of calculated steps, including self-assessment, skill enhancement, goal setting, and advancement planning. Career development can empower individuals to take responsibility for their careers by identifying their strengths, interests, and values. One …

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Do Your Genes Determine Your Success in the Workplace?

The age-old nature versus nurture debate still lingers, but over the past few decades, various genetic studies have tried to show that genes have a significant role in shaping a person’s career. Genetic codes can influence a range of factors related to people’s career trajectory, from educational achievement to career choices and income, thus affecting …

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